Finally! The newbies found a friend within the Old Guard (the black hen).
Big row of tomato plants, setting fruit but no sign of red yet. Sigh.
An odd assortment of beets, gourmet white turnips, kohlrabi, corn, basil, carrots, and to be honest I'm not sure what else. Gardening by surprise is the BEST WAY!
I'm definitely planting more Zinnia seeds next year. They are beautiful and just want to grow and grow and grow and grow...

My favorite bed this year -
the wall of beans (3 kinds), 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumber, and 1 watermelon, along with the few asparagus plants that I didn't kill this spring.
This pix is from June, I'll throw a July pix of this space later, it's amazing.
Want to see the beans, too? You won't be sorry!