Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 22 - jogging second day

I made sure to time it today, so I can increase my time each day. Total running (running? who am I trying to kid? a tortoise could outrun me right now) time was 12 minutes. I just went straight down my road - I've never even biked down this section - only been on it in a car. I actually got further than I thought I would, luckily for me my halfway time (6 minutes) was up right at the top of this hill - so I got to turn around and coast all the way back! Now that I did enjoy, and my breath didn't burn so much this day. Unfortunately, it was faster going back downhill, so I got back to the house with a minute or two to spare, so I had to keep going back up the NEXT hill, then turn around and finally go inside, elated.

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